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Myths, Music & Magic

Myths, Music & Magic
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20 Oct 2024 14:00 - 16:00

Course Leader: Helena Softley and Don Cox

Course Date:  Sunday  20 October

Course Options:  £15 if booked in advance £20 if booked on the day

Course Timings: 2-4pm

Course Code:  D1924

Course Information:

Includes afternoon tea and cake

What could be more magical than singing in nature? Join us for a magical musical experience in the beautiful Ammerdown grounds. You will be led on a leisurely walk with Don Cox, the Park Warden, where you will learn some of the myths and magic connected to this wonderful estate. We will pause at a few points on the walk to be led in song by professional singer and workshop leader, Helena Softley. She will teach us simple songs and rounds based on the season, the flora and the fauna, which we will sing in the forest and meadows. Then we will return to the Centre where we can relax over cake and a cuppa!

Please feel free to turn up to this course on the day for the cost of £20 per person.


Day Course