Stepping into the Bible

24 Nov 2025 to 27 Nov 2025 12:30 - 14:00
Course Leader: Canon Dr Peter Sills
Course Date: Monday 24 - Thursday 27 November
Course Options: Residential £519, Non-Residential £319 (Early Bird R £489 NR £299 - Deadline: 24/08/25 )
Course Timings: Course starts and ends with lunch
Course Code: R2325
Course Information:
For many people, including Christians, the Bible is a bit of a closed book; this week-end retreat opens it up. We step into the world of the Bible where we discover an evolving story in which people struggle with the same questions as we do, and where old ideas are discarded and are replaced by new. We see how the Old and New Testaments relate to one another, and as we move from the old to the new we see how ideas about God and Jesus, salvation and morality changed over the centuries. We are led on a journey of faith that helps us get on to God’s wavelength; we discover that Christian faith is more than a set of beliefs about God, prayer and getting to heaven. It is very much about the way we live our lives, here and now, so that God’s will is done and God’s kingdom comes on earth as in heaven.
It’s from the old I travel to the new
keep me travelling along with you.
Course Leader:
The retreat will be led by Canon Dr Peter Sills. After an initial career teaching Law at Kingston, Peter served in three parishes in the Diocese of Southwark before moving to Ely where he was Vice-Dean of the Cathedral. Peter is an engaging spiritual teacher and pilgrimage guide. He has led courses and retreats for churches and groups in the UK, USA and at the Anglican Centre in Rome; this retreat is based on his recent book Six Steps Into The Bible .