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Chop Wood, Carry Water

Chop Wood, Carry Water
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25 Jan 2025 10:00 - 16:00

Course Leader:  Andy Robins

Course Date:  Saturday 25th January 

Course Options:  £70.00 (Early Bird £65.00 - Deadline 25/12/24

Course Timings: 9:30pm for 10am - 4pm 

Course Code:  D0925

Course Information:

The Zen Buddhist Koan that goes, "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water," is a philosophical concept and a practical guide for daily living.  

In this Koan, the student asks the Zen master,

'What does one do before enlightenment?

' Chop wood. Carry water,' replies the master.

The student then asks, 'What does one do after enlightenment?'

'Chop wood. Carry water.' The master replies.

Chopping wood and carrying water are physical experiences during which we can learn much about our mind and body. The phrase suggests that life is made up of small, mundane tasks that, when performed with awareness and dedication, can lead to us seeing the world we inhabit in a very different way, one which can bring inner peace and personal growth—staying focused on the present moment and the task at hand rather than worrying about the future or dwelling on the past.  

Hara , a Japanese word that refers to the lower abdomen, is seen in Zen Buddhism as the area where the unification of a person's physical, psychological and spiritual being exists. During this workshop, we will combine the experience of zazen (Meditation) and Ki o kirimasu (Log Splitting) to focus on bringing about this state of being, bringing a deep inner connection and peace. In the Chosei Zen lineage of Zen Buddhism, there is no Zen without hara.

Participants attending the course must be in good health and capable of using various chopping mauls and axes. Sensible footwear, such as hiking boots or shoes, are required.

Course Leader:

Andy Seizan Ryuji Robins is a certified instructor of Zen Leadership, an ordained Zen priest and a yoga instructor. Andy brings a wealth of business and leadership experience to his coaching clients having been run his own executive coaching business and previously being an entrepreneur in the construction industry. Andy is an an energetic and intuitive executive coach and trainer with a passion for making a difference. Andy lives in the UK and has served the Institute for Zen Leadership as both the UK/European Director as well as the Director of IZL in Asia while he was living in Vietnam.


Day Course