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Advent Zoom Bible Study

Advent Zoom Bible Study
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18 Nov 2025 to 16 Dec 2025 19:00 - 20:00

Course Leader:  Rupert Kaye

Course Date:  Tuesdays 18, 25 Nov and 2, 9, 16 December

Course Options:  FREE ZOOM

Course Timings: 7pm-8pm

Course Code:  Z0125

Course Information:

Join us for a five-week online Bible study as we reflect on five passages of Old and New Testament scripture that have something powerful to say about God’s heart for justice and fairness for all.

Together, we will take comfort and challenge from the many stories of the poor taking action together. We will read anew the story of the exodus that frees people from debt and slavery; the prophets who denounce the rich and ruling classes; the stories of Jesus healing and parables about fair wages; and the early church’s sharing of resources. 

Each week includes reflective questions and a short prayer.

Course Leader:


Day Course

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