Living in Liminal Space

05 Jun 2025 19:30 - 21:30
Course Leader: Margaret Benefiel
Course Date: Thursday 5 June
Course Options: £20.00 (Early Bird £15.00 - Deadline: 05/05/25 )
Course Timings: 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Course Code: T0325
Course Information:
Liminal space is the space between the old and the new, when the old has disintegrated and the new has not yet come. We humans tend toward wanting to return to the old or rush to the new, profoundly uncomfortable in the liminal space. Yet the liminal space provides the holding environment for gestation. Waiting in the liminal space provides room for creativity and growth.
This talk will explore how to live in liminal space, and the risks and rewards of doing do.
Course Leader:
Margaret Benefiel, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Shalem Institute, co-leads Ammerdown's "Soul of Leadership" programme. She has authored or co-edited seven books. Her life has afforded many opportunities for living in liminal space.